SPANISH ab initio (Standard Level)
The language ab initio (beginner) course is a language acquisition course for students with little or no experience of the language. Students are not eligible if they have studied the language 3 or more years out of the last 5 years or within the last two years. Spanish ab initio is only available on Moshi Campus.
Each theme has a list of topics that provide the students with opportunities to practice and explore the language as well as to develop intercultural competence. The students develop a greater awareness of cultures through language learning. Through the development of receptive, productive and interactive skills, students acquire the ability to respond and interact appropriately in a defined range of everyday situations. Each ab initio language has a language-specific syllabus that is used in conjunction with the IB guide.
Ab initio courses will be offered in Swahili, Spanish (Moshi Campus) and French (Arusha Campus).